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 ARMENIA | South Eastern Lesser Caucasus Eco-Corridor

Maintaining biodiversity by connecting cultural heritage and natural landscapes. 

Dominated by vast mountain grasslands, and including wetlands and woodlands, volcanic rock and deep canyons, the South Eastern Lesser Caucasus Eco-Corridor in the south of Armenia is a severe and beautiful landscape. A significant part of the corridor runs along the mountainous border of the Nakhichevan enclave of Armenia, creating an important connection to the protected areas in on the Armenia. 

Jernej Stritih

Key Species & Habitat

Charismatic large mammal species have been selected to represent the biodiversity of the landscape.


The suitability of habitats for these species has been studied in order to set priorities for conservation measures. Habitats have been broken down into:

  • Core areas - most suitable habitats

  • Ecological traps - naturally suitable habitats where animals are threatened by human pressure

  • Potential refuges - naturally less suitable habitats where animals may evade human pressure

Key Species


Caucasian leopard 

Panthera pardus saxicolor 


Listed as critically endangered (CR) in the Red Data Book of Armenia*

Bezoar goat 

Capra aegagrusaegagrus


Listed as vulnerable (VU) in the Red Data Book of Armenia*

Armenian mouflon 

Ovis orientalis gmelini


Listed as endangered (EN) in the Red Data Book of Armenia*

Brown bear

Ursus arctos


Listed as vulnerable (VU) in the Red Data Book of Armenia*

Key Habitats














Rocky slopes







River gorges 

*The assessment of the species to be included in the National Red Data Book was done in accordance with IUCN guidelines.

There is also Red Data List of Armenia approved by the Government of Armenia. 

Leopard, Bezoar goat and Armenian mouflon are also among other subspecies included in IUCN Red List as VU. Brown bear is included in IUCN Red List as LC.

Natural & Cultural Heritage


Within the corridor there are 254 objects of historical and cultural heritage including burial sites and grottos of Neolithic times, castles, bridges, monasteries, rustic villages, ancient terraces and archaeological excavations sites. 






Located in the middle of a biodiversity hotspot area of Gnishik Protected Landscape, the Mozrov cave has one of the largest collection of stalactites and stalagmites in Europe. The rock formations are saturated in color and striking natural designs. 

The picturesque Arpa River gorge is lined with historic gems including the Areni church near the river, the ruins of Moze City, the 13th century Gndevank arched bridge near Agarakadzor and numerous caves and other sights.

Mozrov Cave​

Arpa River Gorge

Agarakadzor Bridge

Two km from the village of Agarakadzor is a 13th-century bridge that crosses the Arpa River and once served as the main trade route to Julfa. With minor renovations in 1957 the bridge remains in use today for moving livestock across the river. 

Agarakadzor Mineral Spring​


Easily accessible from the highway, the mineral spring is located at the beginning of the 13.6 km walking trail, Gandzak – Boloraberd – Ttu jur.  Hikers will see the Gandzak church, the Boloraberd church with it's stone cross, the gorge of the Grav river, and may meet Bezoar goats and mouflons.

Red Rocks of Noravank Canyon

Boloraberd Cultural Landscape 

The orange and blood-red vertical rocks of the Areni village in the Vayots Dzor region are primary habitat of Bezoar goats and Brown bear. The canyon is also home to two of Armenia’s most well-known cave systems and is a nesting eagle sanctuary. The 13th century Norvank monastery, nestled at the end of this gorgeous chasm is a repository of the finest Armenia’s sculptures, pointed out as Armenia’s first Renaissance art work.

The Boloraberd cultural landscape in the Vayots Dzor region is an emerging ecotourism hotspot with diverse landscapes, rich biodiversity, primary habitats and home to many cultural monuments. The area hosted the early medieval university of Gladzor (currently represented by a museum in the town of Vernashen), a 13thcentury Proshaberd fortress built by the benefactors of the University, Proshyan family, as well as Saint Cross, Tanati, and Spitakavor monasteries (8-14 centuries).

Conservation Agreements | ARMENIA

Basic CA Information


South Eastern Lesser Caucasus Eco-Corridor

Detailed CA Information

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Our Village, Our Nature - Part 3
by the Youth Cooperation Center of Dilijan
April 2023

The series of FPA competitions under the title "Our Village, our Nature" carried out by WWF-Armenia ended, in which about eight hundred children from 18 rural settlements of Syunik, Tavush, Lori marzes participated with great enthusiasm.  In this video participants, head of a beneficiary community and local partner organizations share their impressions about the contests and the project.

Eco-Corridors Fund

ECF is a financial instrument aimed to preserve large, sustainably used landscapes that connect various

protected areas in the Southern Caucasus.

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